Cyborg Faces

Title: Cyborg Faces
Type: photo project
Technique: photo models, make-up, transistors, electric material
Year: 2008


Cyborg Faces originates from the search of a future bound to the past. Through the use of ready-made materials, these human faces have been decontextualized and reshaped, acquiring the features of imaginary people of future times. Interestingly, the majority of the materials used in Cyborg Faces can be qualified as obsolete technology.


In Cyborg Faces Bolognesi bravely delves into his quest of investigating the future of humanity. What may our horizons be now that we are immersed in, and so utterly dependent upon, technology? Clearly inspired by Tsukamoto's Tetsuo: the Iron Man and Sterling's Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology, these re-designed faces undeniably remain human and beautiful, yet they are dramatically transformed by mechanical and technological components that pierce them, with circuit boards and computer chips now literally becoming part of their bodies. Nevertheless, Bolognesi’s careful craftsmanship ensures that the contrasting physical qualities of these elements are conveyed in all their dazzling fascination.